Cult Never Dies is THE HOME OF METAL literature, a publishing house, merchandise company, label and mail order dedicated to underground metal and cult art. We have published a wealth of books on the subject and also distribute other people’s books and fanzines, as well as vinyl, CDs, cassettes, shirts, flags and more. Est. 2013.

Coming September 2024 - The Return of Imhotep zine

Coming September 2024 - The Return of Imhotep zine

Coming September 2024 - Petrified: Under the Full Moon

Coming September 2024 - Petrified: Under the Full Moon

Coming in late 2024 - Arma Christi

Coming in late 2024 - Arma Christi

Coming Soon… Dark Dungeon Music:  The Unlikely Story Of Dungeon Synth

Coming Soon… Dark Dungeon Music: The Unlikely Story Of Dungeon Synth

Coming Soon - Home of the Waves: Conversations with Moonsorrow

Coming Soon - Home of the Waves: Conversations with Moonsorrow

The Scott Burns Sessions: A Life in Death Metal 1987 (distributed outside the US by Cult Never Dies)

The Scott Burns Sessions: A Life in Death Metal 1987 (distributed outside the US by Cult Never Dies)

Black Metal: Evolution Of The Cult - The Restored, Extended & Definitive Edition

Black Metal: Evolution Of The Cult - The Restored, Extended & Definitive Edition

Black Metal: The Cult Never Dies Volume One

Black Metal: The Cult Never Dies Volume One

Black Metal: Into The Abyss

Black Metal: Into The Abyss

Ancient Black Art: Nidrosian Black Metal

Ancient Black Art: Nidrosian Black Metal

Dungeon Synth: The Rebirth of the Legend

Dungeon Synth: The Rebirth of the Legend

Streams of Ancient Wisdom: The History of Dutch Death and Extreme Metal

Streams of Ancient Wisdom: The History of Dutch Death and Extreme Metal

Shrieks from the Abyss: Collection 1

Shrieks from the Abyss: Collection 1

No Celebration: The Official Story of Paradise Lost

No Celebration: The Official Story of Paradise Lost

Doom Metal Lexicanum 2

Doom Metal Lexicanum 2

Doom Metal Lexicanum 1

Doom Metal Lexicanum 1

Ultimate Darkness Complete Zine Anthology: Issues 1-4

Ultimate Darkness Complete Zine Anthology: Issues 1-4

Z.A.S.T. Zine Anthology 1990-1992

Z.A.S.T. Zine Anthology 1990-1992

Rotting Ways To Misery: The History Of Finnish Death Metal

Rotting Ways To Misery: The History Of Finnish Death Metal

The Black Candle 3: Sympathy for the Devil

The Black Candle 3: Sympathy for the Devil

Wolves Who Were Men: The History of Moonspell

Wolves Who Were Men: The History of Moonspell

Inner Missive 3

Inner Missive 3

The Dead Sea Zine Anthology 1995-1998

The Dead Sea Zine Anthology 1995-1998

(Anything For A) Peaceville Life

(Anything For A) Peaceville Life

Skogen Zine Anthology 1993-1996

Skogen Zine Anthology 1993-1996

Non Serviam: The Official Story of Rotting Christ

Non Serviam: The Official Story of Rotting Christ

Mortiis - Secrets Of My Kingdom: Return To Dimensions Unknown

Mortiis - Secrets Of My Kingdom: Return To Dimensions Unknown

Ultra Damaged: Damage Inc. Zine Anthology 1985 • 2017

Ultra Damaged: Damage Inc. Zine Anthology 1985 • 2017

Owls, Trolls & Dead King's Skulls: The Art Of David Thiérrée

Owls, Trolls & Dead King's Skulls: The Art Of David Thiérrée

Cult Never Dies: The Mega Zine

Cult Never Dies: The Mega Zine

Black Metal: Prelude To The Cult

Black Metal: Prelude To The Cult

USBM (Distributed outside the US by Cult Never Dies)

USBM (Distributed outside the US by Cult Never Dies)

Turned Inside Out: The Official Story of Obituary (distributed outside the US by Cult Never Dies) (Copy)

Turned Inside Out: The Official Story of Obituary (distributed outside the US by Cult Never Dies) (Copy)